Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscars - Why I Don't Watch

"During his “We Saw Your Boobs” song Seth MacFarlane listed off women who’s breasts he’d seen in their movies. As if this isn’t grotesque enough four of the instances he listed were scenes of rape or the character was raped during the movie.
Hilary Swank in Boys Don’t Cry.
Jodie Foster in The Accused.
Jessica Chastain in Lawless.
Charlize Theron in Monster. "
via vicmorrowsghost

It’s fluffin' Seth Mcfarlane! What the crap did everyone expect? Don't get me wrong, I’m not arguing with vicmorrowghost. Things like this DO need to be addressed, but now, everyone is fueling the troll.

You don’t like it? Turn it off.
Don’t contribute to their ratings, notoriety, ANYTHING.

I’m proud to say I don’t watch nonsense like that. It’s nothing but glorifying people that aren’t really better than any of use, fueled by those who think they are. Wasting countless dollars on vanity instead of helping others (granted, some donate to charities *applause*, but the event alone is nothing but excess).

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