Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sissy the Severe Macaw

Sissy the Severe Macaw on Deb’s leg during Bird Lovers Club today.

Deb gave me Papaya, a spirited and chatty Quaker Parrot for someone down here to adopt. Sissy gets to go with her to eventually fly free in the flights at BOPS.
We had a birdy swap.

Bird Lovers Club is full of caring birdy people. They offered up bird food donations for the BOPS birds.

There was a seminar today with Barbara Heidenreich, a legit bird behavior specialist. She demonstrated what positive re-enforcement, time, and patience can do to benefit your companion bird (and other animals).

I was going to join today, and pay the 25$ membership, but currently my job situation is up in the air after a meeting on Friday, so I’m holding on to every penny.
A NFLB friend told the head of the group, and when they sent the newsletter/reminder out, it mentioned “You don’t have to be a member to attend” They even hooked me up with a free lunch.
I’m usually shy when it comes to people helping me out. @____@ I was very grateful.

Anyhoo. I MISS SISSY! There’s only one other bird I got attached to like I did Sissy, Chico the amazon who was adopted.

I’ll never forget you guys. I’ll be visiting Sissy soon enough.
Saturday Morning Preen
Friday Night - Emerging from the carrier for noms
Friday Pick-up

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