Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Why Everyone Can Be Vegan

Low income/poor vegans
Vegans recovering from eating disorders
Vegans allergic/sensitive to soy and/or gluten (+ soy information)
Disabled vegans
Vegans with autoimmune disorders, IBS, anemia, etc.
Homeless Vegans

Please add in or message me with any resources you’d like to see added to this list. Share if you can, and help dispel misinformation about living vegan. If you’re recently going vegan and you want some help, please feel free to message me or check out my FAQ on veganism.

via soycrates

Monday, November 23, 2015

Millenials and Luxury

i read a really interesting response to this very question once.
good food is one of the only luxuries millennials can feasibly afford. with student debt, job insecurity, and an increased cost of living millennials can no longer afford to indulge in the past generations luxuries. things like cars, houses, even travel! a good meal is honestly one of the only things we can treat ourselfs to, so shut the fuck up and let us enjoy our fucking food

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Why Vegans Are Offended When You Eat Meat

Vegans think it is offensive to eat meat because you are taking the life of an animal unnecessarily. I will elaborate on this.

Just as it would upset me to see someone eating a dog or a parrot, after becoming more aware, I (and other vegans) now get upset when I see someone eating a pig or a chicken. All animals are equal. They don’t deserve to be used and abused as though they were unfeeling products. They really don’t need to suffer, but it’s up to consumers. 

People get upset when China eats dogs, yet they’re eating the wings off a dead bird with some buffalo sauce without a second thought.

There’s old healthy vegans, young healthy vegans, I know quite a few of them and there’s reports to verify online if you check them out. There’s centurion vegans, vegan body-builders. There are studies that vegetarians live longer. 
You can find all of this info on my resource-heavy master post.

Eating meat is destroying our planet. USDA even is encouraging people to eat more plant-based foods to help save he environment. 

I get eating less animal products as you go along. I kinda went that route too. Things didn’t click immediately. Eating dead animals was socially acceptable and something I’ve always done. I started out getting organic, free range, and all that other BS fed to us by the animal agriculture industry to make us feel “This is ok”, but I kept digging! That’s what I wish for everyone to do. DIG! Do your own research!
If you are feeling unusual due to a vegan diet, you might need more of a certain vitamin. Find out what that vitamin is and find what plant-based food contains it. 
My lab tests are relatively fine. I was low on vitamin D, but guess what? My dad was low too and he’s a meat cutter for a grocery. He’s always eating meat. You know what else my dad has? Heart problems. Much of which could be solved by a healthy diet. Please, even Meatless Mondays will be a step in a more compassionate direction.
I implore you to do more research and eat with your heart, not with your gut, and what you have been conditioned to think is right by 100s of years of marketing and social acceptance.
Keep trying to live more humanely, and if you need help, I’m here for you. I will give you reasoning and recipes! I wasn’t born vegan either and I’m not trying to be a “vegan asshole.”

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Is Hilary Clinton a Corporate Puppet?

if you’re wondering why CNN is biased towards Hillary even though the public seems to agree that Bernie came through last night on multiple fronts heres something interesting

Friday, August 21, 2015

Project Harpoon & Body Shaming

Not your photos, not your right. Not your body, not your business. 

Fat-shaming, skinny-shaming, slut-shaming - all you're doing is funding a billion dollar industry that preys on insecurities. 
If you're thin and dress nice, you're a slut that deserves to be raped (look at some of the comments), if you don't have a thigh gap, you're an unhealthy cow. Plus-sized models give girls confidence. Hopefully no one is going to give a shit about the opinions of assholes. 
People are always trying to loose weight, it's another billion dollar industry, shaming doesn't usually motivate them. They need to find motivation by their own means, on their own terms. Shaming makes fat people want to say "f*ck it", hide in their room, and eat.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I Was Just Like You

People shouldn’t forget I used to say the same things I hear back to me now.

At the mention of Vegetarianism or Veganism, I used to say, “Oh, we’re meant to eat animals, we’re omnivores.” (We’re not.)
However, a seed was planted in my unawakened brain. I made the move to purchasing cage free eggs and organic meat because I DID care about how animals were being treated… but then I kept digging.

Working with special needs birds, I saw my plucker-parrots and thought of the chickens I’ve been consuming. I’ve seen videos of the love, affection, and intelligence of chickens, cows, and pigs were capable of, just as my companion animals were capable of, then I saw what a monster I was eating them.

I stopped seeing chicken as meat, and started seeing chicken in the same light as I did my fids… and if I can’t eat them, how could I eat cows, or any animal-friend? They are the same.

I recommend everyone keeps digging, keeps learning, you have an internet! If you care about the environment and animals, you’ll do your research and eventually come to the same conclusion many of us already have or are in the process of.

It’s an adjustment, but it’s one of the most important ones. 

It’s also good for your health - even body building.

Look, I did all the work for you here with my vegan master post. If you go through all of that material, and still don’t think you should stop using animals as products, I’ll shoosh.

The majority of dead animals consumed come from factory farms. Realize animals are someones not somethings and there is no humane way to kill someone.

I learned what speciesism meant and how it was a legitimate wrong. Foreign at first, but as an animal lover and environmentalist, it blows my mind why I didn’t realize this sooner.

“Ew, China eats dogs. Petition against them!” It’s the same thing as us eating pigs, cows, chickens, and other living beings that didn’t want to die. You protest dog eating, go further. Humans are not omnivores.

Good marketing, societal indoctrination, gluttony, and never questioning why is how we got to where we are, and it’s not a good place to be.

We have the power to fight back and say hurting ALL animals, unnecessarily is wrong and we won’t stand for it. All you have to do is explore vegan recipes! If you need inspiration as to why you should, here you go.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Veganism, Religion, & The Golden Rule

Most belief systems believe in the Golden Rule, which could be summarized as “Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want done to do”.

When you view animals as living beings, with emotions, and the ability to feel pain just as we do, the barriers are taken down. They can be harmed, and to harm them would go against the Golden Rule. This would go against most belief systems.
When you start to live life with this consideration, peace comes into your life, knowing that you’re having less of a negative impact in the world, and isn’t that what most people seek? People want to be environmentalists (which animal agriculture, as a whole, does the most harm to the planet) they want to be healthy (vegetarians live longer and suffer from less health problems than those who eat meat) and want to treat all animals with compassion (why is the life of a dog worth more than a pig)?

Take baby steps. Research as much as you can, and I think a path to do less harm in the world will present himself.