Monday, April 22, 2013

Time Management

There's so much I want to accomplish, but by the time I get home, I'm exhausted, and all I want to to is relax with hubby and my birds.

I want to focus on my health (exercise).
I want to learn Japanese.
I want to paint a portrait.
I want to continue growing in my faith.
I want to aid and promote bird rescue.
I want to finish planning out my wedding.
I want to spend more time with my friends.
I want to do something that makes money.
I don't want to neglect my hubby and feather-babies.

My anxiety and curse of easily getting stressed does not help matters.
I tell myself to focus on 2-3 things, but it's so difficult for me, and I just keep getting overwhelmed.

I want to bring up "First World Problems" to ease my emotions, but my passions are my passions...

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