Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Take the Bad with the Good

I just got a Derpy Hooves wallet to replace the one that was stolen in the purse. :) I love her cuz she's special like some of my birdies.

Hubby's 2 friends just died in a car accident. They died together, doing what they loved.
We are going to a funeral tonight and one tomorrow afternoon. Maybe he can reconnect with some of his other friends.

The rescue side of things has taken an up-swing that I'm happy about. It's such a roller coaster.
Nismo is doing great and the lovies will have a loving home soon. Brett and I stayed at Bob's house for 2 hours gabbing.

The South FL Pet Expo was great. I really hope Lucy gets a home, that's such a family dog. Xena was mine and Brett's buddy for the whole show. She's hyper and playful to get attention, then when she's in your lap, she's a cuddle baby. If we could have a dog, she would be the one.

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